Sunday, May 14, 2006

Learning Guitar - books versus 'live' teaching

I'm currently learning electric guitar. Due to time constraints and other stuff, I've decided to buy a book (including DVD) to learn. I already have a background in music including playing other instruments and I can read music. Which method is better - using a book/dvd in your own time or receiving lessons by a tutor spasmodically?

1 comment:

Katrijn said...

I have been using the book and dvd to teach myself guitar. I practice about 30 minutes a day, although last week I was away with work so didn't get a chance. I think the fact that I can already read music and have played other instruments definately helps and probably allows me to progress relatively well. I still need to practice regularly and I don't yet have the flexibility in my hands and fingers. The down side is, I have no idea if I am teaching myself the correct technique - I can see the pictures and copy them however there is no one 'watching' me to makes sure I am placing my hands and fingers correctly.
Although at this point in time it is serving it's purpose and suits my life style, I'm not sure that I can 'get away' with not having face to face lessons. My concern is that I'll learn bad habits that will take forever to correct! LOL