Thursday, June 26, 2008

Armouring can be a health hazard...........

Just ask my niece K!

Tuesday evening was just a normal evening. I sat down to watch Australia's Next Top Model (my brain dead show for the week) and as soon as I did so the phone rang. I spent the next 40 minutes yacking. Just hung up and went to try and catch the end of the show and Conrad came in asking for the band aids. As I was cleaning out the cut he got from a sheet of steel and putting a band aid on I made the comment 'it is just as well I am not squeamish at the sight of blood!' We had a laugh (for those that know my other half you know why). I just got back to my seat and in comes my niece in tears with her fiance holding her up and T following behind. I said 'What have you done' and P replied 'put a drill through her finger'. Apparently whislt Miss K was drilling the metal the drill bit broke and the drill slipped, putting the drill bit in through the top of her finger nail. She bleeds well - she has thin blood. We cleaned it out, put a gauze pad on it and taped it up, gave her some Panadeine Forte and sat her down. After about ten minutes she decided to go out for a smoke when T asked her when she had her last Tetnus vaccination - she couldn't remember. So P packed her up in the car and took her to the hospital. (I just caught the elimination at the end of my show.) As it turns out, this was very fortunate - apparently the drill had gone completely through her finger (yes broke the skin on the bottom) and taken a small bit of bone off the end of her finger. They put her on an IV for antibiotics and she came home about 1am. Then back to day surgery at 7.30 am for them to put her under so they could remove the nail, clean everything out properly, push the bone back into place, stitch her up, splint the finger and get her arm in a sling. Yep, just a normal day for us! LOL

Yesterday - no further injuries.

Today - no injuries to report, yet!

She is doing fine - her finger is naturally very sore and she has declared she will never go near a power drill again!

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