Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello, anyone out there?

Probably not, but that's okay - will continue to post when I feel like it ;-)

Have been back at work for two days now catching up on the backlog after having two weeks off. I'm having another week off at the end of January to get the boys organised and back to school.

Weather sux as usual, supposed to be a cool change coming through in the next couple of days - can't wait!

Cancelled my gym membership - it's not helping and it's killing my feet. I've decided to just eat sensibly (most of the time) and walk 5 days a week. Shock, horror, I have arisen at 6:30am the last two mornings and done two laps of the block each day (2.8km per day in total), then I've done a 20 minute walk at lunch time. On the days that it is not stinking hot I plan to walk of an evening too. According to my scales I have lost 1kg this week - could be the scales playing up though ;-) I have blisters on my blisters and my ankles have been locking up but nothing some good stretching doesn't fix. I've also got the Zumbafit DVDs but they are a little too energetic and need too much coordination to do everyday! I plan on doing that once a week to start with and then work my way up. I need to lose 20kg to help relieve the pain in my ankles. I see the ankle specialist next month - I have heel spurs in both feet - can you believe it?

Spoke with the allergy specialist yesterday - looks like this is going to be a long term thing of special diet and medication. I have to say though, as long as I follow it I feel great. I gave in at Christmas and splurged on favourite but 'not to eat' foods and paid the price. Man was I sick Christmas night and Boxing Day. Went back onto the diet and I was fine. Had Tacos tonight so now I have a rash - but I knew that would happen ;-) It should settle again in a few hours - makes it hard to sleep though! Tried Paw Paw today - not sure that I like the taste. It's one of the few fruits I can eat so I am going to look at maybe trying them different ways - time to search for recipes!

I'm hoping my Calligraphy ink and paints will turn up tomorrow - if not then should be here Friday in time for the weekend (we only get mail 3 times a week)! I'm really keen to get going on this ;-)

I have mixed feelings about the SCA at the moment - part of me is really excited about some of the things happening and part of me just isn't sure it is worth the effort anymore. I'll just blame the weather - hard to think of wearing frocks and fighting in armour when it's 43 degrees!!

I started cutting out the new banner for Gryffen on Sunday but with the heat, lost enthusiasm very quickly! I must admit Warcraft has been the go when I just want to veg out and do nothing! LOL

Anyhow, off to feed Candy and then to bed.

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