Friday, January 21, 2011

Yay for Friday!

Well, this week went quick!

Went and saw Tangled at the movies on Wednesday evening - awesome, funny movie - we all loved it! Gotta love Maximus and Pascall ;-)

Caught up at work ready for hand over on Monday, hand over for the RLDO job Tuesday. Enrolment at TAFE Thursday, then training Friday :-)

I have taken all my photos down and packed my little box ready to move desks next week :-)

What's on this weekend:
* Beading project - thinking about entering a piece of Tudor jewellery for A & S comp at Festival. Plus I want to make some more spiffy stuff for me :-)
* Need to sew some more of my new Renaissance gown
* Want to start my new scribal assignment
* Need to do research for illumination for Book of Ceremonies title page
* Terry has the bob cat so will spend most of the weekend playing in the dirt :-)
* Preparation for the building of the new fort and new tavern
* And of course the usual house work and getting things ready for the boys for school/TAFE
* Movies Sunday afternoon to see Yogi Bear
* Clean out the chook pen
* Bath the dogs
* Spend some time training Shakespeare :-)

I love my life :-) (No, this is not sarcasm - I *really* do love my life!)

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