Thursday, October 25, 2007


It's Thursday, it's actually raining (very lightly I might add) and I'm on a lunch break so thought I would 'jot' down some thoughts rambling around my head.

It seems funny writing things here on the blog - it's like writing into a void - the thoughts and ideas are put out there - but nothing comes back. It's kind of like talking to yourself. This can be good sometimes but at other times it is quite frustrating.

Speaking of frustrating - one of my pet peeves is drivers who sit 20 to 30 km per hour under the speed limit on a highway in ordinary (i.e. dry and daylight conditions - no they are not L or P platers - they have a legal reason for driving slower)! In my opinion, slow drivers can be just as dangerous as fast drivers on the open road! Copped two of those on the way to work this morning - didn't help the blood pressure as I was running a tad late anyway! Murphy's Law states the slow drivers will be out and about when you are running late!

I've been feeling a bit 'blah' latelty too - no energy and don't feel like doing too much, even though I have so much to do it isn't funny!!!

Getting things together for the Tourney and Tavern Feast next month. I've got a stack of things to do for that too - made a list last night so will just have to get through them one by one.......

Anyhow, off to get something to eat and back to work.......

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