Thursday, January 29, 2009

Boys are back at school......

and things are nearly back into a routine. I timed the run to get the boys to their 3 different schools and me to work by 9am - we will need to leave home at 8:05am each morning. Conrad needs to wait for about 15 to 20 minutes for his ride home in the afternoon after the final bell goes. Can't be helped - he is old enough to wait though and just talks to his friends whilst he is waiting.

All three boys had a great first day back at school (Gryffen started yesterday and likes his new teacher) - Conrad likes his new school and his very small class which is awesome! He is even looking forward to doing English! (They are doing World War I poetry.) Wolfstanus was happy with most of his teachers - there is one in particular he dislikes immensely but only has him for one lesson a fortnight so he said he can deal with that ;-)

Although the boys were back at school I had a very hectic day taking care of jobs I had to do in town - tomorrow will not be much better! I need to get a pink slip for my car tomorrow too - should pass for rego! I think I will go to the gym after I drop the kids off to kill time before I get the rego check - once it is done I can do my other bits and pieces of shopping and then head home. Should just have enough time to have lunch and clean the bathrooms before having to pick the kids up from school! LOL

The chicks have moved out of my bathroom tonight and into our new hen house - for more details and pictures head over to Chickadee Chirpings ;-)

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