Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Chickadee Chirpings

A quick update - so far so good with the remaining three chicks. They are living comfortably in my bathroom and making happy chirping noises - they get visited often, have fresh food and water and somewhere soft to sleep. They also have a green 'night light' and monitored room temperature ;-) Fingers crossed!! They will be 1 week old on Friday. Although we have not been keeping them at the recommended 35 degrees, they do not seem to be cold so we will see. I may play with the light I have in their tonight and put a 100 watt bulb in suspended above them and monitor that.

I have decided to start another blog called Chickadee Chirpings which will be, you guessed it, relating to my chickens. We have plans afoot for a poultry palace. That way, I will have the three blogs - one for my costuming, one for general ramblings and one for my chickens!

Blogger works better for me as I can access it from work whereas LJ I cannot.

Will try and post some more chickie photos tonight (if I remember and don't get side-tracked again!).

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