Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well and truly hooked.........

which is so funny and great at the same time! Pete and T have been out in armour nearly every night having a play - and when they are not playing they are armouring! It's really nice to see them get so much enjoyment out of it!

Update on the week so far:
* Got some shopping done
* Got Pete's gambesson pieces almost quilted (need to finish today as he is getting armour pinch at the moment)
* Took the boys to see 'Bolt' yesterday - was really good! Conrad opted to stay home though.
* Chicks are doing really well - need to build them an outdoor cage though so they can start going outside for little bits, when it isn't too hot
* The teachers strike for next week is off - yay! This means I will actually be able to take the boys their first day of school now like planned!
* Going uniform shopping tomorrow for the boys and will take them out for lunch
* Working on boffer boats for Border War

Lots to do so off to have morning tea and get sewing this gambeson! I need to have it done by tonight so Pete can use it - then just have Conrad's to sew (it's already cut out)!

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