Monday, April 27, 2009

Brief update..........

On a five minute break so a very brief update......
* Acupuncture on Friday was awesome - worked on circulation and metabolism - felt really good afterwards
* Go to the chiropractor this afternoon
* Terry went to the chiropractor this morning and feels much better - has a lot more movement!
* Got some work done on the chook pen this weekend - see Chickadee Chirpings for update
* No work on the dress done
* Finished reading 'Dark Fire' - can't remember the author so will have to look it up tonight. It is a murder mystery/intrigue set in the time of King Henry VIII and revolves around the fall of Thomas Cromwell. Not a bad read - will give it to Wolfstanus to read.
* Had a sleep in both Saturday and Sunday - nice!

Run out of time so more updates later.........

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